This was a very helpful overview, thank you. 100%, with open source, the doors get blown "open" in these early waves of experiments, widening the range of uses, but also bottlenecks to widen (UX, upskilling) and gaps (e.g. security) to seal, across all the worldbuilding unfolding among a growing legion of "no names".

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yes, very optimistic indeed. this piece was a joy to research and write. thanks for reading!

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EleutherAI's GPT-Neo and GPT-J models, code, and weights was released under an MIT license and GPT-NeoX-20B was released under an Apache 2.0 license. These are open source licenses and substantially predate Whisper and BLOOM, which you credit as being the first.

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Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023Author

fixed, thanks Stella!

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Great piece. Nit: there are a lot of sentences that are duplicated twice. Interrupted the reading experience a few times.

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i just skimmed thru and didnt find any duplications, was it a temporary glitch? i have found substack a bit unreliable tbh

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Excellent piece. Congrats.

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Excellent piece. Congrats.

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Hi, your blog is very enlightening. I am wondering if we can translate and post it on the Chinese community. We will keep the original link and state where it is translated from. I believe this move will enable more people who are interested in AI to be inspired. Thanks!

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yes go ahead! let me know when youre done and i'll link it back :)

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Here is the translation. Thanks so much! https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yc5zCng3DLfn9mR80XncRw

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just saw this. Linking :)

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